what they said about us

  • I have had a pleasant experience with the Pineapple team in ideation, crafting, and producing great video quality for our internal campaigns. The team was very helpful and highly collaborative in execution and delivered the product on time with expected results. I'll surely recommend Pineapple for professional service and results in video production! thanks Pineapple :D

    — Tiket.com | Ruly Handayani, Learning & Development Associate Manager

  • I recently had the pleasure of working Pineapple Team and I must say, their work exceeded my expectations. From start to finish, the team was professional, creative, and responsive to my needs. The videos they produced were not only visually stunning but also effectively conveyed a message to target audiences. Myself and our teams value our collaboration with Pineapple Team, and we hope to continuously work with them in the years to come.

    — Bolttech | Celeste de Jesus, Regional Digital Marketing Manager team

  • Selama Azarine kerjasama bareng Pineapple menurutku enak banget, service dan skillnya juga okee. Mau dengerin apa keinginan dari brand, dan bisa kasi insight yang bagus juga. Kemampuan telepatinya juga jago banget. Enak buat diajak diskusi, project managernya smart and perfectionist. Mau dengerin revisi dari brand sampe sesuai apa yang diinginkan videonya. Keren deh! Sukses terus Pineapple!

    — Azarine Cosmetic | Nanda Cynthia, Public Relations

  • We have been working for quite a while to actualize social media hero campaigns for our clients. Often, those require video production. We enjoyed communicating with them. They always have the right attitude to approach a project and the results are also wonderful. This, in turn, made us friends along the way.

    — Tinker Studio | Alek Gou

  • Pineapple Videoworks production house very helpful buat brand kami. Mulai dari konsep alur cerita iklan buat brand kami, saat shooting juga perlengkapannya sangat proper dan terlihat profesional. Untuk waktu pengerjaan video iklannya juga tepat waktu dan sesuai seperti timeline yang diberikan. Good job Pineapple. Makin baik terus yah kedepannya 😆

    — Cultusia | Farida Firdaus, Graphic Design

  • Gilak, kerjasama sama pineapple itu seru! 💪 Orang2nya seru, kerjanya seru, pokoknya ga ada momen yg bikin ngantuk klo kerja bareng pineapple (Kecuali syuting subuh2). Hasilnya selama ini sesuai sama ekspektasi, bahkan bbrp ada yang melebihi. Pokoknya recommended 👍

    — Olike Indonesia | Ryuda Praha, Tiktok Manager

  • Pineapple delivered social media contents in form of videos with professionalism, flexibility, and result-oriented

    — Gazelle Design Agency | Sarah Azalia